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Eligibility and training requirements

Our teaching opportunities are only available to postgraduate research students and postdoctoral researchers in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health.

As postdoctoral researchers are salaried members of staff, this would be on a voluntary basis and you would not be paid for your time. However, you would be expected to make a full commitment for the duration of the role.

Online training

In order to be considered for any paid position it is expected that all applicants successfully complete the online graduate teaching assistant (GTA) training.

Priority is given to those who have completed this.

Demonstrator training

If you are interested in applying for graduate demonstrator opportunities please attend our Graduate Demonstrator Taster Session.

Previous teacher training/experience

Applications will also be considered if you have prior teaching experience, or if you have previously completed the face-to-face training at the University (for example, in the old Faculty of Life Sciences or Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences).

Academic literacy

Completion of the online academic literacy course is not a prerequisite for applying for teaching opportunities.

Additional programme specific training

Please note that you may be required to undertake additional programme specific training that is tailored to the opportunity you have applied for. This may be prior to your acceptance on a teaching opportunity place. 

All programme specific training will be provided at a school level and you will be informed of any additional training you need to undertake.