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Student support

We care about the health and wellbeing of our students, and can help you access a number of services offered by the University.

Your supervisory team should be your first point of contact for issues relating to your project. However, you are encouraged to contact your advisor if any issues arise that, for whatever reason, you feel you cannot discuss with your supervisory team or wish to gain an independent view on in advance.

You can also approach your Division PGR Tutors or Senior Division Tutors for issues that you do not want to discuss with your supervisory team.

If you are not sure where to direct your query please contact or visit the Research Hive's Wellbeing Page.

Manchester Doctoral College has responded to an open letter from PGRs to the University's Senior Leadership Team. Download their response. (PDF, 131KB).

You can find out who the Doctoral Academy Disability Coordinators are on the Disability Advisory and Support Service website. You can also register with DASS using this QR code.

If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, gender based violence, hate or micro-aggressions, or have a safeguarding concern, you can report it anonymously or get support from a trained advisor. More information can be found on the Report and Support website.